The Wassenaar Arrangement - Dual-Use and Munitions Lists - July 1996



This document contains the definitions of the terms used in these Lists, in alphabetical order.

Note Definitions apply throughout the Lists and their Annexes. The references are purely advisory and have no effect on the universal application of defined terms throughout these Lists and their Annexes.


Category references are given in brackets after the defined term.

"Accuracy" (2, 6)

(Usually measured in terms of inaccuracy) is the maximum deviation, positive or negative, of an indicated value from an accepted standard or true value (usually measured in terms of inaccuracy).

"Active flight control systems" (7)

Function to prevent undesirable "aircraft" and missile motions or structural loads by autonomously processing outputs from multiple sensors and then providing necessary preventive commands to effect automatic control.

"Active pixel" (6, 8)

A minimum (single) element of the solid state array which has a photoelectric transfer function when exposed to light (electromagnetic) radiation.

"Adapted for use in war" (1, ML7)

Any modification or selection (such as altering purity, shelf life, virulence, dissemination characteristics, or resistence to UV radiation) designed to increase the effectiveness in producing casualties in humans or animals, degrading equipment or damaging crops or the environment.

"Adaptive control" (2)

A control system that adjusts the response from conditions detected during the operation (ref. ISO 2806-1980).

"Additives" (ML8)

Substances used in explosive formulations to improve their properties.

"Aircraft" (1, 7, 9, ML8, ML9, ML10)

A fixed wing, swivel wing, rotary wing (helicopter), tilt rotor or tilt-wing airborne vehicle.

"Angular position deviation" (2)

The maximum difference between angular position and the actual, very accurately measured angular position after the workpiece mount of the table has been turned out of its initial position (ref. VDI/VDE 2617, Draft: 'Rotary tables on coordinate measuring machines').

"Asynchronous transfer mode" ("ATM") (5)

A transfer mode in which the information is organised into cells; it is asynchronous in the sense that the recurrence of cells depends on the required or instantaneous bit rate (CCITT recommendation L.113).



"ATM" is equivalent to "Asynchronous transfer mode".

"Automatic target tracking" (6)

A processing technique that automatically determines and provides as output an extrapolated value of the most probable position of the target in real time.

"Basic gate propagation delay time" (3)

The propagation delay time value corresponding to the basic gate used within a "family" of "monolithic integrated circuits". This may be specified, for a given "family", either as the propagation delay time per typical gate or as the typical propagation delay time per gate.
N.B. "Basic gate propagation delay time" is not to be confused with the input/output delay time of a complex "monolithic integrated circuit".

"Basic scientific research" (GTN)

Experimental or theoretical work undertaken principally to acquire new knowledge of the fundamental principles of phenomena or observable facts, not primarily directed towards a specific practical aim or objective.

"Bias" (accelerometer) (7)

An accelerometer output when no acceleration is applied.

"Biocatalysts" (ML7)

Enzymes or other biological compounds which bind to and accelerate the degradation of CW agents.
N.B. 'Enzymes' means "biocatalysts" for specific chemical or biochemical reactions.

"Biopolymers" (ML7)

Biological macromolecules as follows:
a. Enzymes;

b. Antibodies, monclonal, polyclonal or anti-idiotypic;

c. Specially designed or specially processed receptors;

N.B.1 'Enzymes' means "biocatalysts" for specific chemical or biochemical reactions;

N.B.2 'Anti-idiotypic antibodies' means antibodies whcih bind to the specific antigen binding sites of other anitbodies;

N.B.3 'Monoclonal antibodies' means proteins which bind to one antigenic site and are produced by a single clone of cells;

N.B.4 'Polyclonal antibodies' means a mixture of proteins which bind to the specific antigen and are produced by more than one clone of cells;

N.B.5 'Receptors' means biological macromolecular structures capable of binding ligands, the binding of which affects physiological functions.


"Camming" (axial displacement) (2)

Axial displacement in one revolution of the main spindle measured in a plane perpendicular to the spindle faceplate, at a point next to the circumference of the spindle faceplate (ref. ISO 230/1 1986, paragraph 5.63).


"CE" is equivalent to "computing element".

"Chemical Laser" (6)

A "laser" in which the excited species is produced by the output energy from a chemical reaction.

"Circuit element"

A "laser" in which the excited species is produced by the output energy from a chemical reaction.

"Circulation-controlled anti-torque or circulation controlled direction control systems" (7)

Use air blown over aerodynamic surfaces to increase or control the forces generated by the surfaces.

"Civil aircraft" (1, 7, 9, ML10)

Those "aircraft" listed by designation in published airworthiness certification lists by the civil aviation authorities to fly commercial civil internal and external routes or for legitimate civil, private or business use.

"Commingled" (1)

Filament to filament blending of thermoplastic fibres and reinforcement fibres in order to produce a fibre reinforcement/ "matrix" mix in total fibre form.

"Comminution" (1)

A process to reduce a material to particles by crushing or grinding.

"Common channel signalling" (5)

A signalling method in which a single channel between exchanges conveys, by means of labelled messages, signalling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits or calls and other information such as that used for network management.


"Communications channel controller" (5)

The physical interface which controls the flow of synchronous or asynchronous digital information. It is an assembly that can be integrated into computer or telecommunications equipment to provide communications access.

"Composite" (1, 2, 6, 8, 9)

A "matrix" and an additional phase or additional phases consisting of particles, whiskers, fibres or any combination thereof, present for a specific purpose or purposes.

"Composite theoretical performance" ("CTP") (3, 4)

A measure of computational performance given in millions of theoretical operations per second (Mtops), calculated using the aggregation of "computing elements" ("CE").
N.B. See Category 4, Technical Note.

"Compound rotary table" (2)

A table allowing the workpiece to rotate and tilt about two non-parallel axes, which can be coordinated simultaneously for "contouring control".

"Computing element" ("CE") (4)

The smallest computational unit that produces an arithmetic or logic result.

"Contouring control" (2)

Two or more "numerically controlled" motions operating in accordance with instructions that specify the next required position and the required feed rates to that position. These feed rates are varied in relation to each other so that a desired contour is generated (ref. ISO/DIS 2806 - 1980).

"Critical temperature" (1, 3, 6)

(Sometimes referred to as the transition temperature) of a specific "superconductive" material means the temperature at which the material loses all resistance to the flow of direct electrical current.

"Cryptography" (5)

The discipline which embodies principles, means and methods for the transformation of data in order to hide its information content, prevent its undetected modification or prevent its unauthorized use. "Cryptography" is limited to the transformation of information using one or more 'secret parameters' (e.g., crypto variables) or associated key management.
N.B. 'Secret parameter': a constant or key kept from the knowledge of others or shared only within a group.



"CTP" is equivalent to "composite theoretical performance".

"Data signalling rate" (5)

The rate, as defined in ITU Recommendation 53-36, taking into account that, for non-binary modulation, baud and bit per second are not equal. Bits for coding, checking and synchronisation functions are to be included.
N.B. 1 When determining the "data signalling rate", servicing and administrative channels shall be excluded.

N.B. 2 It is the maximum one-way rate, i.e., the maximum rate in either transmission or reception.

"Deformable mirrors" (6)

a. Having a single continuous optical reflecting surface which is dynamically deformed by the application of individual torques or forces to compensate for distortions in the optical waveform incident upon the mirror; or

b. Having multiple optical reflecting elements that can be individually and dynamically repositioned by the application of torques or forces to compensate for distortions in the optical waveform incident upon the mirror.

"Deformable mirrors" are also known as adaptive optic mirrors.

"Development" (GTN, Both Lists)

Is related to all phases prior to serial production, such as: design, design research, design analyses, design concepts, assembly and testing of prototypes, pilot production schemes, design data, process of transforming design data into a product, configuration design, integration design, layouts.

"Diffusion bonding" (1, 2, 9)

A solid state molecular joining of at least two separate metals into a single piece with a joint strength equivalent to that of the weakest material.

"Digital computer" (4, 5)

Equipment which can, in the form of one or more discrete variables, perform all of the following:
a. Accept data;

b. Store data or instructions in fixed or alterable (writable) storage devices;

c. Process data by means of a stored sequence of instructions which is modifiable; and

d. Provide output of data.

N.B. Modifications of a stored sequence of instructions include replacement of fixed storage devices, but not a physical change in wiring or interconnections.


"Digital transfer rate" (5)

The total bit rate of the information that is directly transferred on any type of medium. (See also "toal digital trasnfer rate").

"Direct-acting hydraulic pressing" (2)

A deformation process which uses a fluid-filled flexible bladder in direct contact with the workpiece.

"Discrete component"

A separately packaged "circuit element" with its own external connections.

Drift rate" (gyro) (7)

The time rate of output deviation from the desired output. It consists of random and systematic components and is expressed as an equivalent input angular displacement per unit time with respect to inertial space.

"Dynamic adaptive routing" (5)

Automatic rerouting of traffic based on sensing and analysis of current actual network conditions.
N.B. This does not include cases of routing decisions taken on predefined information.

"Dynamic signal analysers" (3)

"Signal analysers" which use digital sampling and transformation techniques to form a Fourier spectrum display of the given waveform including amplitude and phase information.

"Effective gram" (1)

"Effective gram" for plutonium isotopes and uranium-233, the isotope weight in grams.

"Electronically steerable phased array antenna" (5, 6)

An antenna which forms a beam by means of phase coupling, i.e., the beam direction is controlled by the complex excitation coefficients of the radiating elements and the direction of that beam can be varied in azimuth or in elevation, or both, by application, both in transmission and reception, of an electrical signal.

"Electronic assembly" (3, 4, 5)

A number of electronic components (i.e., 'circuit elements', 'discrete components', integrated circuits, etc.) connected together to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as an entity and normally capable of being disassembled.


"End-effectors" (2, ML17)

"End-effectors" include grippers, 'active tooling units' and any other tooling that is attached to the baseplate on the end of a "robot" manipulator arm.

Technical Note

'Active tooling unit': a device for applying motive power, process energy or sensing to the workpiece.

"Equivalent Density" (6)

The mass of an optic per unit optical area projected onto the optical surface.

"Expert systems" (4, 7)

Systems providing results by application of rules to data which are stored independently of the "programme" and capable of any of the following:
a. Modifying automatically the "source code" introduced by the user;

b. Providing knowledge linked to a class of problems in quasi-natural language; or

c. Acquiring the knowledge required for their development (symbolic training).

"Expression Vectors" (ML7)

Carriers (e.g., lasmid or virus) used to introduce genetic material into host cells.

"FADEC" (7, 9)

Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) - an electronic control system for gas turbine or combined cycle engines utilising a digital computer to control the variables required to regulate engine thrust or shaft power output throughout the engine operating range from the beginning of fuel metering to fuel shutoff.

"Family" (3)

A group of microprocessor or microcomputer microcircuits with:
a. The same architecture;

b. The same basic instruction set; and

c. The same basic technology (e.g., only NMOS or only CMOS).

"Fault tolerance" (4)

The capability of a computer system, after any malfunction of any of its hardware or "software" components, to continue to operate without human intervention, at a given level of service that provides: continuity of operation, data integrity and recovery of service within a given time.


"Fibrous or filamentary materials" (1, 8)

a. Continuous "monofilaments";

b. Continuous "yarns" and "rovings";

c. "Tapes", fabrics, random mats and braids;

d. Chopped fibres, staple fibres and coherent fibre blankets;

e. Whiskers, either monocrystalline or polycrystalline, of any length;

f. Aromatic polyamide pulp.

"Film type integrated circuit" (3)

An array of 'circuit elements' and metallic interconnections formed by deposition of a thick or thin film on an insulating "substrate".
N.B. 'Circuit element' is a single active or passive functional part of an electronic circuit, such as one diode, one transistor, one resistor, one capacitor, etc.

"First generation image intensifier tubes" (ML15)

Electrostacically focused tubes, employing input and output fibre optic or glass face plates, multi-alkali photocathodes (S-20 or S-25), but not microchannel plate amplifiers.

"Fixed" (5)

The coding or compression algorithm cannot accept externally supplied parameters (e.g., cryptographic or key variables) and cannot be modified by the user.

"Flight control optical sensor array" (7)

A network of distributed optical sensors, using "laser" beams, to provide real-time flight control data for on-board processing.

"Flight path optimization" (7)

A procedure that minimizes deviations from a four-dimensional (space and time) desired trajectory based on maximizing performance or effectiveness for mission tasks.

"Focal plane array" (6)

A linear or two-dimensional planar layer, or combination of planar layers, of individual detector elements, with or without readout electronics, which work in the focal plane.
N.B. This is not intended to include a stack of single detector elements or any two, three or four element detectors provided time delay and integration is not performed within the element.

"Frequency agility" (frequency hopping) (5)

A form of "spread spectrum" in which the transmission frequency of a single communication channel is made to change by discrete steps.


"Frequency switching time" (3 5)

The maximum time (i.e., delay), taken by a signal, when switched from one selected output frequency to another selected output frequency, to reach:
a. A frequency within 100 Hz of the final frequency; or

b. An output level within 1 dB of the final output level.

"Frequency synthesiser" (3)

Any kind of frequency source or signal generator, regardless of the actual technique used, providing a multiplicity of simultaneous or alternative output frequencies, from one or more outputs, controlled by, derived from or disciplined by a lesser number of standard (or master) frequencies.

"Gas Atomisation" (1)

A process to reduce a molten stream of metal alloy to droplets of 500 micrometre diameter or less by a high pressure gas stream.

"Gateway" (5)

The function, realised by any combination of equipment and "software", to carry out the conversion of conventions for representing, processing or communicating information used in one system into the corresponding but different conventions used in another system.

"Geographically dispersed" (6)

Sensors are considered "geographically dispersed" when each location is distant from any other more than 1,500 m in any direction. Mobile sensors are always considered "geographically dispersed".

"Global interrupt latency time" (4)

The time taken by the computer system to recognize an interrupt due to the event, service the interrupt and perform a context switch to an alternate memory-resident task waiting on the interrupt.

"Hot isostatic densification" (2)

The process of pressurising a casting at temperatures exceeding 375 K (102°C) in a closed cavity through various media (gas, liquid, solid particles, etc.) to create equal force in all directions to reduce or eliminate internal voids in the casting.

"Hybrid computer" (4)

Equipment which can perform all of the following:
a. Accept data;

b. Process data, in both analogue and digital representations; and

c. Provide output of data.


"Hybrid integrated circuit" (3)

Any combination of integrated circuit(s), or integrated circuit with 'circuit elements' or 'discrete components' connected together to perform (a) specific function(s), and having all of the following characteristics:
a. Containing at least one unencapsulated device;

b. Connected together using typical IC production methods;

c. Replaceable as an entity; and

d. Not normally capable of being disassembled.

"Image enhancement" (4)

The processing of externally derived information-bearing images by algorithms such as time compression, filtering, extraction, selection, correlation, convolution or transformations between domains (e.g., fast Fourier transform or Walsh transform). This does not include algorithms using only linear or rotational transformation of a single image, such as translation, feature extraction, registration or false coloration.

"Information security" (5)

All the means and functions ensuring the accessibility, confidentiality or integrity of information or communications, excluding the means and functions intended to safeguard against malfunctions. This includes "cryptography", 'cryptanalysis', protection against compromising emanations and computer security.

N.B. 'Cryptanalysis': analysis of a cryptographic system or its inputs and outputs to derive confidential variables or sensitive data, including clear text.

"Instantaneous bandwidth" (3 5)

The bandwidth over which output power remains constant within 3 dB without adjustment of other operating parameters.

"Instrumented range" (6)

The specified unambiguous display range of a radar.

"Integrated Services Digital Network" (ISDN) (5)

A unified end-to-end digital network, in which data originating from all types of communication (e.g., voice, text, data, still and moving pictures) are transmitted from one port (terminal) in the exchange (switch) over one access line to and from the subscriber.

"Interconnected radar sensors" (6)

Two or more radar sensors are interconnected when they mutually exchange data in real time.


"In the public domain" (GTN, GSN)

This means "technology" or "software" which has been made available without restrictions upon its further dissemination.

N.B. Copyright restrictions do not remove "technology" or "software" from being "in the public domain".

"Intrinsic Magnetic Gradiometer" (6)

A single magnetic field gradient sensing element and associated electronics the output of which is a measure of magnetic field gradient.

"ISDN" (5)

"ISDN" is equivalent to "Integrated Services Digital Network".

"Isostatic presses" (2)

Equipment capable of pressurising a closed cavity through various media (gas, liquid, solid particles, etc.) to create equal pressure in all directions within the cavity upon a workpiece or material.

"Laser" (2, 3, 5, 6, 9, ML5, ML9, ML23)

An assembly of components which produce both spatially and temporally coherent light that is amplified by stimulated emission of radiation.

"Linearity" (2)

(Usually measured in terms of non-linearity) is the maximum deviation of the actual characteristic (average of upscale and downscale readings), positive or negative, from a straight line so positioned as to equalise and minimise the maximum deviations.

"Local area network" (4)

A data communication system having all of the following characteristics:
a. Allows an arbitrary number of independent 'data devices' to communicate directly with each other; and

b. Is confined to a geographical area of moderate size (e.g., office building, plant, campus, warehouse).

Technical Note

'Data device' means equipment capable of transmitting or receiving sequences of digital information.

"Magnetic Gradiometers" (6)

Are designed to detect the spatial variation of magnetic fields from sources external to the instrument. They consist of multiple "magnetometers" and associated electronics the output of which is a measure of magnetic field gradient. (See also "Intrinsic Magnetic Gradiometer".)


"Magnetometers" (6)

Instruments designed to detect magnetic fields from sources external to the instrument. They consist of a single magnetic field sensing element and associated electronics the output of which is a measure of the magnetic field.

"Main storage" (4)

The primary storage for data or instructions for rapid access by a central processing unit. It consists of the internal storage of a "digital computer" and any hierarchical extension thereto, such as cache storage or non-sequentially accessed extended storage.

"Matrix" (1, 2, 8, 9)

A substantially continuous phase that fills the space between particles, whiskers or fibres.

"Measurement uncertainty" (2)

The characteristic parameter which specifies in what range around the output value the correct value of the measurable variable lies with a confidence level of 95 %. It includes the uncorrected systematic deviations, the uncorrected backlash and the random deviations (ref. ISO 10360-2, or VDI/VDE 2617).

"Mechanical Alloying" (1)

An alloying process resulting from the bonding, fracturing and rebonding of elemental and master alloy powders by mechanical impact. Non-metallic particles may be incorporated in the alloy by addition of the appropriate powders.

"Media access unit" (5)

Equipment which contains one or more communication interfaces ("network access controller", "communications channel controller", modem or computer bus) to connect terminal equipment to a network.

"Melt Extraction" (1)

A process to 'solidify rapidly' and extract a ribbon-like alloy product by the insertion of a short segment of a rotating chilled block into a bath of a molten metal alloy.

"Melt Spinning" (1)

A process to 'solidify rapidly' a molten metal stream impinging upon a rotating chilled block, forming a flake, ribbon or rod-like product.


"Microcomputer microcircuit" (3)

A "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing general purpose instructions from an internal storage, on data contained in the internal storage.
N.B. The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.

"Microprocessor microcircuit" (3)

A "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing a series of general purpose instructions from an external storage.
N.B. 1 The "microprocessor microcircuit" normally does not contain integral user-accessible storage, although storage present on-the-chip may be used in performing its logic function.

N.B. 2 This includes chip sets which are designed to operate together to provide the function of a "microprocessor microcircuit".


A sequence of elementary instructions maintained in a special storage, the execution of which is initiated by the introduction of its reference instruction register.

"Military explosives" (ML8)

Solid, liquid or gaseous substances or mixtures which, in their application as primary, booster, or main charges in warheads, demolition and other military applications, are required to detonate.

"Military pyrotechnics" (ML4, ML8)

Mixtures of solid or liquid fuels and oxidizers which, when ignited, undergo an energetic chemical reaction at a controlled rate intended to produce specific time delays, or quantities of heat, noise, smoke, visible light or infrared radiation. Pyrophories are a subclass of pyrotechnics, which contain no oxidizers but ignite spontaneously on contact with air

"Monolithic integrated circuit" (3)

A combination of passive or active 'circuit elements' or both which:
a. Are formed by means of diffusion processes, implantation processes or deposition processes in or on a single semiconducting piece of material, a so-called 'chip';

b. Can be considered as indivisibly associated; and

c. Perform the function(s) of a circuit.

"Monospectral imaging sensors" (6)

Are capable of acquisition of imaging data from one discrete spectral band.


"Multichip integrated circuit" (3)

Two or more "monolithic integrated circuits" bonded to a common "substrate".

"Multi-data-stream processing" (4)

The "microprogramme" or equipment architecture technique which permits simultaneous processing of two or more data sequences under the control of one or more instruction sequences by means such as:
a. Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architectures such as vector or array processors;

b. Multiple Single Instruction Multiple Data (MSIMD) architectures;

c. Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) architectures, including those which are tightly coupled, closely coupled or loosely coupled; or

d. Structured arrays of processing elements, including systolic arrays.

"Multilevel security" (5)

A class of system containing information with different sensitivities that simultaneously permits access by users with different security clearances and needs-to-know, but prevents users from obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization.

N.B. "Multilevel security" is computer security and not computer reliability which deals with equipment fault prevention or human error prevention in general.

"Multispectral imaging sensors" (6)

Are capable of simultaneous or serial acquisition of imaging data from two or more discrete spectral bands. Sensors having more than twenty discrete spectral bands are sometimes referred to as hyperspectral imaging sensors.

"Network access controller" (4, 5)

A physical interface to a distributed switching network. It uses a common medium which operates throughout at the same "digital transfer rate" using arbitration (e.g., token or carrier sense) for transmission. Independently from any other, it selects data packets or data groups (e.g., IEEE 802) addressed to it. It is an assembly that can be integrated into computer or telecommunications equipment to provide communications access.

"Neural computer" (4)

A computational device designed or modified to mimic the behaviour of a neuron or a collection of neurons, i.e., a computational device which is distinguished by its hardware capability to modulate the weights and numbers of the interconnections of a multiplicity of computational components based on previous data.


"Noise level" (6)

An electrical signal given in terms of power spectral density. The relation between "noise level" expressed in peak-to-peak is given by S2 pp = 8No(f2-f1), where Spp is the peak-to-peak value of the signal (e.g., nanoteslas), No is the power spectral density (e.g., (nanotesla)2/Hz) and (f2-f1) defines the bandwidth of interest.

"Nuclear reactor" (ML17)

Includes the items within or attached directly to the reactor vessel, the equipment which controls the level of power in the core, and the components which normally contain, come into direct contact with or control the primary coolant of the reactor core.

"Numerical control" (2)

The automatic control of a process performed by a device that makes use of numeric data usually introduced as the operation is in progress (ref. ISO 2382).

"Object code" (4, 5, 9)

An equipment executable form of a convenient expression of one or more processes ("source code" (source language)) which has been converted by programming system.

"Optical amplification" (5)

In optical communications, means an amplification technique that introduces a gain of optical signals that have been generated by a separate optical source, without conversion to electrical signals, i.e., using semiconductor optical amplifiers, optical fibre luminescent amplifiers.

"Optical computer" (4)

A computer designed or modified to use light to represent data and whose computational logic elements are based on directly coupled optical devices.

"Optical fibre preforms" (5, 6)

Bars, ingots, or rods of glass, plastic or other materials which have been specially processed for use in fabricating optical fibres. The characteristics of the preform determine the basic parameters of the resultant drawn optical fibres.

"Optical integrated circuit" (3)

A "monolithic integrated circuit" or a "hybrid integrated circuit", containing one or more parts designed to function as a photosensor or photoemitter or to perform (an) optical or (an) electro-optical function(s).


"Optical switching" (5)

The routing of or switching of signals in optical form without conversion to electrical signals.

"Overall current density" (3)

The total number of ampere-turns in the coil (i.e., the sum of the number of turns multiplied by the maximum current carried by each turn) divided by the total cross-section of the coil (comprising the superconducting filaments, the metallic matrix in which the superconducting filaments are embedded, the encapsulating material, any cooling channels, etc.).

"Peak power" (6)

Energy per pulse in joules divided by the pulse duration in seconds.

"Personalized smart card" (5)

A smart card containing a microcircuit, in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816, which has been programmed by the issuer and cannot be changed by the user.

"Power management" (7)

Changing the transmitted power of the altimeter signal so that received power at the "aircraft" altitude is always at the minimum necessary to determine the altitude.

"Precursors" (ML8)

Speciality chemicals used in the manufacture of military expolsives.

"Previously separated" (1)

The application of any process intended to increase the concentration of the controlled isotope.

"Primary flight control" (7)

"Aircraft" stability or manoeuvering control using force/moment generators, i.e., aerodynamic control surfaces or propulsive thrust vectoring.

"Principal element" (4)

An element is a "principal element" when its replacement value is more than 35% of the total value of the system of which it is an element. Element value is the price paid for the element by the manufacturer of the system, or by the system integrator. Total value is the normal international selling price to unrelated parties at the point of manufacture or consolidation of shipment.


"Production" (GTN)

Means all production phases, such as: construction, production engineering, manufacture, integration, assembly (mounting), inspection, testing, quality assurance.

"Programme" (2, 4, 5, 6)

A sequence of instructions to carry out a process in, or convertible into, a form executable by an electronic computer.

"Pulse compression" (6)

The coding and processing of a radar signal pulse of long time duration to one of short time duration, while maintaining the benefits of high pulse energy.

"Pulse duration" (6)

Duration of a "laser" pulse measured at Full Width Half Intensity (FWHI) levels.

"Q-switched laser" (6)

A "laser" in which the energy is stored in the population inversion or in the optical resonator and subsequently emitted in a pulse.

"Radar frequency agility" (6)

Any technique which changes, in a pseudo-random sequence, the carrier frequency of a pulsed radar transmitter between pulses or between groups of pulses by an amount equal to or larger than the pulse bandwidth.

"Radar spread spectrum" (6)

Any modulation technique for spreading energy originating from a signal with a relatively narrow frequency band, over a much wider band of frequencies, by using random or pseudo-random coding.

"Real time bandwidth" (3)

For "dynamic signal analysers", the widest frequency range which the analyser can output to display or mass storage without causing any discontinuity in the analysis of the input data. For analysers with more than one channel, the channel configuration yielding the widest "real-time bandwidth" shall be used to make the calculation.

"Real time processing" (2, 4, 6, 7)

The processing of data by a computer system providing a required level of service, as a function of available resources, within a guaranteed response time, regardless of the load of the system, when stimulated by an external event.


"Required" (5, 6, 9, GTN)

As applied to "technology" or "software", refers to only that portion of "technology" or "software" which is peculiarly responsible for achieving or extending the controlled performance levels, characteristics or functions. Such "required" "technology" or "software" may be shared by different goods.

"Resolution" (2)

The least increment of a measuring device; on digital instruments, the least significant bit (ref. ANSI B-89.1.12).

"Riot control agents" (ML7)

Substances which produce temporary irritating or disabling physical effects which disappear within minutes of removal from exposure. Thre is no significant risk of permanent injury and medical treatment is rarely required.

"Robot" (2, 8, ML17)

A manipulation mechanism, which may be of the continuous path or of the point-to-point variety, may use sensors, and has all the following characteristics:

a. Is multifunctional;

b. Is capable of positioning or orienting material, parts, tools or special devices through variable movements in three dimensional space;

c. Incorporates three or more closed or open loop servo-devices which may include stepping motors; and

d. Has "user-accessible programmability" by means of teach/playback method or by means of an electronic computer which may be a programmable logic controller, i.e., without mechanical intervention.

N.B. The above definition does not include the following devices:

1. Manipulation mechanisms which are only manually/ teleoperator controllable;

2. Fixed sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices, operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions. The programme is mechanically limited by fixed stops, such as pins or cams. The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are not variable or changeable by mechanical, electronic or electrical means;

3. Mechanically controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices, operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions. The programme is mechanically limited by fixed, but adjustable stops, such as pins or cams. The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are variable within the fixed programme pattern. Variations or modifications of the programme pattern (e.g., changes of pins or exchanges of cams) in one or more motion axes are accomplished only through mechanical operations;


4. Non-servo-controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices, operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions. The programme is variable but the sequence proceeds only by the binary signal from mechanically fixed electrical binary devices or adjustable stops;

5. Stacker cranes defined as Cartesian coordinate manipulator systems manufactured as an integral part of a vertical array of storage bins and designed to access the contents of those bins for storage or retrieval.

"Rotary atomisation" (1)

A process to reduce a stream or pool of molten metal to droplets to a diameter of 500 µm or less by centrifugal force.

"Run out" (out-of-true running) (2)

Radial displacement in one revolution of the main spindle measured in a plane perpendicular to the spindle axis at a point on the external or internal revolving surface to be tested (ref. ISO 230/1-1986, paragraph 5.61).

"Scale factor" (gyro or accelerometer) (7)

The ratio of change in output to a change in the input intended to be measured. Scale factor is generally evaluated as the slope of the straight line that can be fitted by the method of least squares to input-output data obtained by varying the input cyclically over the input range.

"SDH" (5)

"SDH"is equivalent to "synchronous digital hierarchy".

"Settling time" (3)

The time required for the output to come within one-half bit of the final value when switching between any two levels of the converter.

"SHPL" (6)

"SHPL" is equivalent to "super high power laser".

"Signal analysers" (3)

Apparatus capable of measuring and displaying basic properties of the single-frequency components of multi-frequency signals.


"Signal processing" (3, 4, 5, 6)

The processing of externally derived information-bearing signals by algorithms such as time compression, filtering, extraction, selection, correlation, convolution or transformations between domains (e.g., fast Fourier transform or Walsh transform).

"Software" (Both Lists)

A collection of one or more "programmes" or 'microprogrammes' fixed in any tangible medium of expression.

"Solidify rapidly"

A process involving the solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1,000 K/sec.

"SONET" (5)

"SONET" is equivalent to "synchronous optical network".

"Source code" (or source language) (4, 5, 6, 7, 9)

A convenient expression of one or more processes which may be turned by a programming system into equipment executable form ("object code" (or object language)).

"Spacecraft" (7, 9)

Active and passive satellites and space probes.

"Space qualified" (3, 6, ML15)

Products designed, manufactured and tested to meet the special electrical, mechanical or environmental requirements for use in the launch and deployment of satellites or high altitude flight systems operating at altitudes of 100 km or higher.

"Spectral efficiency" (5)

A figure of merit parametrized to characterize the efficiency of transmission system which uses complex modulation schemes such as QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation), Trellis coding, QPSK (Q-phased shift key), etc. It is defined as follows:

"Spectral efficiency" =

"Digital transfer rate"(bits/second)

6 dB spectrum bandwidth (Hz)

"Splat Quenching" (1)

A process to 'solidify rapidly' a molten metal stream impinging upon a chilled block, forming a flake-like product.


"Spread spectrum" (5)

The technique whereby energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel is spread over a much wider energy spectrum.

"Spread spectrum" radar (6) - see "Radar spread spectrum"

"Stability" (7)

The standard deviation (1 sigma) of the variation of a particular parameter from its calibrated value measured under stable temperature conditions. This can be expressed as a function of time.

"Stored programme controlled" (2, 3, 5)

A control by using instructions stored in an electronic storage which a processor can execute in order to direct the performance of predetermined functions.

N.B. Equipment may be "stored programme controlled" whether the electronic storage is internal or external to the equipment.

"Substrate" (3)

A sheet of base material with or without an interconnection pattern and on which or within which 'discrete components' or integrated circuits or both can be located.

"Substrate blanks" (6)

Monolithic compounds with dimensions suitable for the production of optical elements such as mirrors or optical windows.

"Superalloy" (2, 9)

Nickel-, cobalt- or iron-base alloys having strengths superior to any alloys in the AISI 300 series at temperatures over 922 K (649°C) under severe environmental and operating conditions.

"Superconductive" (1, 3, 6, 8, ML18, ML20)

Materials, i.e., metals, alloys or compounds, which can lose all electrical resistance, i.e., which can attain infinite electrical conductivity and carry very large electrical currents without Joule heating.

N.B. The "superconductive" state of a material is individually characterised by a "critical temperature", a critical magnetic field, which is a function of temperature, and a critical current density which is, however, a function of both magnetic field and temperature.


"Super High Power Laser" ("SHPL")

A "laser" capable of delivering (the total or any portion of) the output energy exceeding 1 kJ within 50 ms or having an average or CW power exceeding 20 kW.

"Superplastic forming" (1, 2)

A deformation process using heat for metals that are normally characterised by low values of elongation (less than 20%) at the breaking point as determined at room temperature by conventional tensile strength testing, in order to achieve elongations during processing which are at least 2 times those values.

"Switch fabric" (5)

That hardware and associated "software" which provides the physical or virtual connection path for in-transit message traffic being switched.

"Synchronous Digital Hierarchy" ("SDH") (5)

A digital hierarchy providing a means to manage, multiplex and access various forms of digital traffic using a synchronous transmission format on different types of media. The format is based on the Synchronous Transport Module (STM) which is defined by CCITT Recommendation G.703, G.707, G.708, G.709 and others yet to be published. The first level rate of "SDH" is 155.52 Mbit/s.

"Synchronous Optical Network" ("SONET") (5)

A network providing a means to manage, multiplex and access various forms of digital traffic using a synchronous transmission format on fibre optics. The format is the North America version of "SDH" and also uses the Synchronous Transport Module (STM). However, it uses the Synchronous Transport Signal (STS) as the basic transport module with a first level rate of 51.81 Mbit/s. (The "SONET" standards are being integrated into those of "SDH".)

"Systems tracks" (6)

Processed, correlated (fusion of radar target data to flight plan position) and updated aircraft flight position report available to the Air Traffic Control centre controllers.

"Systolic array computer" (4)

A computer where the flow and modification of the data is dynamically controllable at the logic gate level by the user.

"Tear gases" (ML7)

Gases which produce temporary irritating or disabling effects which disappear within minutes of removal from exposure.


"Technology" (GTN & Both Lists)

Specific information necessary for the "development", "production" or "use" of a product. This information takes the form of technical data or technical assistance. Controlled "technology" is defined in the General Technology Note and in the Dual-Use List.

N.B. 1 'Technical data' may take forms such as blueprints, plans, diagrams, models, formulae, tables, engineering designs and specifications, manuals and instructions written or recorded on other media or devices such as disk, tape, read-only memories.

N.B. 2 'Technical assistance' may take forms such as instructions, skills, training, working knowledge and consulting services and may involve the transfer of 'technical data'.

"Terminal interface equipment" (4)

Equipment at which information enters or leaves the telecommunication system, e.g., telephone, data device, computer, facsimile device.

"Three dimensional Vector Rate" (4)

The number of vectors generated per second which have 10 pixel poly line vectors, clip tested, randomly oriented, with either integer or floating point X-Y-Z coordinate values (whichever produces the maximum rate).

"Tilting spindle" (2)

A tool-holding spindle which alters, during the machining process, the angular position of its centre line with respect to any other axis.

"Time constant" (6)

The time taken from the application of a light stimulus for the current increment to reach a value of 1-1/e times the final value (i.e., 63% of the final value).

"Total control of flight" (7)

Automated control of "aircraft" state variables and flight path to meet mission objectives responding to real time changes in data regarding objectives, hazards or other "aircraft".

"Total digital transfer rate" (5)

The number of bits, including line coding, overhead and so forth per unit time passing between corresponding equipment in a digital transmission system.

"Transfer laser" (6)

A "laser" in which the lasing species is excited through the transfer of energy by collision of a non-lasing atom or molecule with a lasing atom or molecule species.


"Tunable" (6)

The ability of a "laser" to produce a continuous output at all wavelengths over a range of several "laser" transitions. A line selectable "laser" produces discrete wavelengths within one "laser" transition and is not considered "tunable".

"Use" (GTN, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Operation, installation (including on-site installation), maintenance (checking), repair, overhaul and refurbishing.

"User-accessible programmability" (4, 5, 6)

The facility allowing a user to insert, modify or replace "programmes" by means other than:
a. A physical change in wiring or interconnections; or

b. The setting of function controls including entry of parameters.

"Vacuum Atomisation" (1)

A process to reduce a molten stream of metal to droplets of a diameter of 500 µm or less by the rapid evolution of a dissolved gas upon exposure to a vacuum.

"Variable geometry airfoils" (7)

Use of trailing edge flaps or tabs, or leading edge slats or pivoted nose droop, the position of which can be controlled in flight.

Table of Contents

Hypertext by JYA/Urban Deadline.